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Today's Date: Monday , May 6 , 2024
This comic posted on: Sunday , August 6 , 2006

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Terry's note: Our voting system is still in beta (we're missing new banners) so we don't yet urge voting.

News & Rants (Updated almost daily):

Terry (Tsuyo in the forum):
aka, 5k37chm4573r 73rry

July 9: Hiatus again! (posted by Tsuyo)

Okay, Terry's been pretty lazy this past week, as a matter of fact he's been so lazy he didn't even bother to update this post! So here I am, stuck doing for him. Personally I think I've given him more grace, but really this is too much.

Basically I need to apologize for him since he's going back east for a week, and he'll get back the DAY BEFORE his family reunion starts and I really don't know how muchhe'll get done then. I know, that will be a whole month almost without a comic. well, hopefully David will post more filler to keep you guys busy.

I'm really sorry! We'll be back in order after this. I can't promise anything in place of Terry, but, uhh...yeah. I'll apologize for the trouble we've caused.

Now if you'll excuse me, Terry needs to get to know my hammer more personally.

Comic 3: 100% - done
Comic 4: layouts done, sketching not started
Archive page Navigation:100% - done
Site Banner: 25%
Cast page: (this is David's Job!!)
Terry's page: 100% - done
David's spot: 0% - (I don't think this will ever be done!)
A turbocool account (if we still care): 0%
Terror Squad 3: 5%
Balloon race 2: 65%
Buzzcomix banners: 0%

**Note: If The rant is written from the perspective of some character, don't worry about it. They're all fictional characters so it's impossible that they write the rant for me. Chances are I just got bored and wanted to role play. -Terry**

David (Achenar in the forum):
aka, L337 n1nj4 D4v1d.

Author: David.
Date: September 11, 2006.
Soundtrack: So Cold - Breaking Benjamin

OH YEAH! Back online, you know it! It's been freakin' MONTHS and now I've got about fifty pounds of random stuff to talk to you about! The first debate: Shall I talk about the site first, or the random crud? I'll do the site, it's shorter and more shocking.

Okay, so main thing? No more comic. Seriously this time. It's taken us almost a year now, but we've finally learned that we really aren't cut out to do one. Terry can't meet regular update schedules now with school, and doesn't like the constant stress of doing one anyway. By the same token, I hate drawing comics with little panels that must have characters and words crammed into them efficiently. HOWEVER, we bothe enjoy doing... uh... I think Terry called it "Splash Drawings". That's the fancy art way of saying "individual really cool pictures". So, rather than keep up with a comic that we are doomed to leave incomplete, this site will become a place for us to post completed works of ours, works from other people who care to send them, and to rant aimlessly as we always have. Additionally, if Terry cares to aid me in the completion of "David's Zone", I'd like to transform it into an area to post written stories that I or other people do, sometimes involving the characters that I will draw and post here. Characters are generally my specialty. SO! The bottom line is that, as soon as is humanly possible (maybe tonight. I haven't explored the idea yet) I will begin posting the good drawings in my sketchbook. The good ones. The ones I don't hate. Which is most of them.

NOW! Onto the random stuff you could care less about but will read anyway because you MUST! Yes, that's right, you HAVE to! You don't know it yet, but by reading this, you've fallen into a spell that forces you to read to the end. Okay, well... now you know. And truth be told, I'll be surprised if you could truthfully tell me tomorrow that you stopped reading right here and walked away, killing your natural curiousity just to PROVE. ME. WRONG. I dare you to. C'mon.... HA! That's what I thought! It's like those Pringle commercials, once you start, you can't pop! Or... something about... Once you pop, the fun doesn't stop? Whatever. It's like that phrase "You can't eat just one". Which is never true because you're like, "Oh, yeah? I can just eat none then, you food weirdo." But... try not to do that too often because it generally alienates you from the rest of the populace and can, if you're unfortunate, lead to your untimely demise. I saw it happen once to this guy in... uh... Lansing. That one city in Kansas. Or maybe it was Arkansas? Or Milwaukee? Whatever, who cares.

So, anyway, I recently got this game, "Dreamfall: The Longest Journey". Well, I'll tell you one thing, it sure as heck wasn't the longest journey. Fable lasted longer than this game. Half Life 2 lasted longer than this game. And if you try hard enough, I bet pong lasts longer than this game. That isn't to say it wasn't good, but you combat freaks out there will not want to buy this game. There was probably a total of 10 fights in the entire game, TOPS. This was one of those games you play because you like storylines, not fighting, and because you like puzzles, and not... er... fighting. The storyline WAS good, but it left you feeling unfulfilled at the end. Mostly because these people want to make a sequel. Still, any game that ends with your main character in a coma has got a few little problems, I'm sure. Still, it gave birth to Kian. He was cool. This April Ryan girl you're supposed to save? Not cool. And she died anyway. I cheered. The other main character, Zoe, was okay, but the voice actor for her was fluent in not giving much expression. She wasn't monotone by any stretch, but if this girl's voice ever changed volume, it was because I adjusted the volume on my speakers. Okay, enough making fun of this game, if you like good storylines, buy this game. It's a game that you go through, learning what's going on, appreciating the neat puzzles you run into, and considering your few combat sequences a nice little break from running around. Still, by the end of the combat, you're ready to head back into exploring and figuring things out. The balance was perfect. Sorry that I can't say the same for the graphics.

Now, some recommendations. Well, some more recommendations, as it were. For those of you who HAVEN'T seen it, go to www.birthoflegends.com. Especially if you're a gamer. All I can say is, Hinklemister and his gang are doing a good job with this. Actually, I think it's just Hinklemister at this point. Anyway, go check it out, and read everything, or you'll feel like an idiot (like I did) when you ask a question and you find out you could have just read it like normal people. Then, come up with cool stuff to put in the game, post it in the forums, and make sure you don't use any "IMspeak" crud in your post. Use English like the rest of humanity. Or... America, Canada, Great Britain, and parts of several other European countries. Not humanity. Also, if Hinklemister tells you right off the bat that he can't program it, it means he can't program it. They haven't had problems with this really, but do not be like many people and whip out an "omg wut r joo thinkink ur sooo lme i dunt no y i come heer ur mom". Because then I will be forced to unleash squirrels on you. Because squirrels are ninjas.

NEXT! .... Um... Watch the show "24". You will so thank yourself. You will want to run up to your TV and kiss it for giving you the greatness that is "24". You will want to mail the producers of the show chocolates every time you see an episode. Then watch "Psyche", "How I Met Your Mother" and "House". They will not have the same effect as "24", but you will glean awesome phrases from them, such as "Dude, it's not breaking and entering unless we break something and THEN enter something." Or something like "Marshall's not doing anything crazy. (SCENECHANGE TO MARSHALL) Okay, we're going to need a jumbo sized shipping box and a hundred white mice." And, finally, "My birthday was good that year. Except for the goat in my bathroom, but we'll get to that." And then... THEY NEVER GET TO IT! It's like a joke that takes a full 30 minute show to tell! Classic, I say, classic!

Okay, so, really, I don't have anything more than that. I'll let you know if anything else comes up. Later.


(c) PhantasyRealms, Terror Squad, and the DBZ spritecomic are copyright 2005-2006 by the authors/artists, All rights reserved. PhantasyRealms is hosted on comicgenesis (www.comicgenesis.com), a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. [Terry's Code: PhR-20060806]